
MTW LAB Event: Teamwork needs trust

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MakeTeamWork recently hosted the LAB community event "Great Teamwork Needs Trust", inspired by Patrick Lencioni's book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The event focused on the critical role of trust in building effective and high-performing teams. The event was designed to provide participants with practical insights and tools to improve team trust and communication. Using a combination of input, group exercises, and facilitated discussions, the event created a supportive and collaborative environment that allowed participants to exchange ideas and insights with their peers.

MakeTeamWork LAB community events showcase our commitment to fostering a culture of trust and collaboration, helping individuals and teams to overcome common dysfunctions and achieve their full potential.

Watch the recording of some LAB sessions we facilitated:Β Great Teamwork Needs Results,Β Great Teamwork Needs Accountability, andΒ Feedback Culture in Teams.
